Digital Frame Reboot: Review Of The Nixplay WiFi Cloud Frame

I always loved the concept of a digital frame – it is a great way to enjoy your photos – but the first digital frames that came out about a decade ago were more trouble than they were worth. While my family and visitors enjoyed viewing the pictures, it became a chore to add or make changes to the frame. I had to add photos to a memory stick, plug it into the frame, and upload the new photos. I honestly don’t remember if my old digital frame stopped working or I just got tired of it and put it away…

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Sandra WilliamsComment
Why Hire A Photo Organizer?

Recently when I asked a new client how she heard about my company, she replied, “I searched the internet…I figured there is a service for just about anything now, so why not for organizing your photos?!” She is right; in fact, deciding to hire a professional photo organizer is similar to hiring a landscaper, a financial planner, or any other service person. We hire these professionals because they have the necessary skills, training and expertise, and they can provide us with a very valuable resource: time to pursue things we may enjoy more! 

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Sandra WilliamsComment
Dealing With Digital Disarray

Anyone who takes digital photos would probably agree that it’s no easy feat to manage the ever-growing number of photos we take in today’s world. It was challenging enough when we had just one computer and one digital camera; nowadays it’s not uncommon for a family to have photos stored on multiple computers, smart phone cameras, tablets, Facebook, Instagram, and more. Just thinking about it might make you feel like throwing in the towel before you even start to formulate a plan to consolidate and organize your photos!

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Sandra WilliamsComment
Restoring An Old Photo

Do you or a loved one have a photo tucked away in a drawer or box that you’d love to have out and enjoy, but it’s too damaged to display? Infinity Photo Solutions offers Photo Restoration Services that can take your cracked, torn, faded, damaged photo and restore it to a beautiful image that you can then display in any format of your choosing.

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Sandra WilliamsComment
Keeping Up With My Photos

We all know that with the sheer number of photos we take and the fast pace of life, it can be difficult to stay on top of our photos. In between working with my clients to help them organize their photo collections, I work hard to keep up with my own photos. I try to stay current on managing my photos by taking time each month to cull through them and delete the junk (do you really need that photo of the dress you thought you might buy?!) and marking my favorites.

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