Why Hire a photo organizer?

Recently when I asked a new client how she heard about my company, she replied, “I searched the internet…I figured there is a service for just about anything now, so why not for organizing your photos?!” She is right; in fact, deciding to hire a professional photo organizer is similar to hiring a landscaper, a financial planner, or any other service person. We hire these professionals because they have the necessary skills, training and expertise, and they can provide us with a very valuable resource: time to pursue things we may enjoy more! 

You may not be familiar with the idea of hiring a professional photo organizer because photo organizing/managing is an emerging profession. Before digital cameras and smartphones became mainstream, there just weren’t as many photos to organize, and there were certainly fewer choices for archival photo albums and storage. Back when we took photos with film, we were more selective about what we captured because we only had a roll with 24 exposures, though maybe we were lucky and had an extra film roll in our camera bag! Fast-forward to today, and we are taking more photos than ever before, and then scattering our images off to various hard drives and cloud sites. Or more common, just leaving our photos lingering precariously on our devices. It’s no wonder people are anxious and overwhelmed.

Just some of what a Photo Organizer/Manager can do for you!

Just some of what a Photo Organizer/Manager can do for you!


So, how can a Photo Organizer help?

Eliminate the Stress.  If you are feeling guilty and overwhelmed about your “photo chaos,” you are not alone. Whether its physical photos you’ve inherited from the generations before you or accumulated yourself, or digital photos that are bursting at the seams of various hard drives, a photo organizer can help you gain control over your photos. A professional photo organizer can develop a personalized plan for you and create a photo library that will work for you and your family, both now and in the future (because you’re going to keep taking photos, right?). 

Save You Time.  People often don’t know where to begin, or they quickly get off track, strolling down memory lane while trying to sort through their photos. A professional photo organizer, however, has the expertise and experience to quickly evaluate your photos, make a personalized plan for you, and implement efficient processes to organize your photos into a meaningful, searchable collection.

Industry & Technological Expertise.  Whether you need printed photos sorted, digital photos consolidated from various devices, or slides/negatives/prints converted to a digital format, a professional photo organizer has the industry knowledge and technological expertise to help you make smart decisions about your photo collection and to organize and digitize your photos efficiently. In addition, a photo organizer can implement a backup system that best suits your needs to ensure that your newly organized library is safe and secure. As a photo organizer I work diligently to research new technology and learn efficient systems for sorting, consolidating, de-duplicating, tagging, backing up and more.

Peace of Mind.  Printed photos that are deteriorating in magnetic albums, precious stories known only by our aging relatives, digital photos scattered among various devices, hard drives that aren’t backed up…these are just a few reasons why we know in our hearts that there’s no time like the present to get photo organizing off the back burner. Your family’s memories are worth it. 

Enjoy your photos again.  Once your photos are organized and you have a management system in place for the future, it will be much easier to complete photo projects. Whether you are a DIYer or want help from a professional photo organizer, there are so many ways to enjoy, share and display your photos now such as digital books, canvases, frames and more. A professional photo organizer can help you get your photos out of deteriorating albums, dusty boxes and digital devices and back into your life to share and enjoy!


If you are local to Northern Virginia, Maryland or DC, contact Infinity Photo Solutions today to find out how we can help you consolidate and organize your lifetime of memories. If you are outside our area, visit the Association of Personal Photo Organizers and use the Find An Organizer search function to find a photo organizer near you.


Sandra Williams is the owner of Infinity Photo Solutions, LLC and an APPO Certified Photo Organizer with over 19 years of experience helping people organize their photos and showcase their life stories through photo books, personalized gifts and more.
